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The difference between other and another


rickycom profile picture rickycomDecember 2019


The words another and other mean the same thing, except that another is used with a singular noun and other is used with uncountable and plural nouns:

She’s going to the cinema with another friend.
She’s going to the cinema with other friends.

However, when we are talking about one of two things of the same type, the word other can be used with the article the or a pronoun (my, you, his, her, etc.) before a singular noun, for example:

For a change, let’s go to the other cafe today.
Don’t buy that phone. Buy the other one.
“Is that his younger sister?” “No, that’s his other sister.”

  • exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2020
    Much of the information @ the linked webpage is garbage. Let's look @ just two examples:

    1. She’s going to the cinema with another friend.
    > The natural way to say this is "She's going to the cinema with a friend."

    2. She’s going to the cinema with other friends.
    > "She's going to the cinema with friends."

    W@W, so much junk @ the internet. Glad I studied Russian in the '70s under the guidance of actual humans and not anonymous web scribblings posted by God-knows-what/whom...
  • barnettmckean profile picture barnettmckeanDecember 2019
    i think also they can also be used interchangeably to be specific, e.g let's go to the other cafe is more specific than let's go to another cafe