100% GOOD (3 votes)DijawabLanguage Question
How to improve your listening comprehension: use Video Speed Controller

PS: Delve into these free English learning lessons: Free class: DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNSAlso, as well and tooThat v.s. WhichMood vs Tense


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2019

A good technique I have found is to install the FREE Chrome extension VIDEO SPEED CONTROLLER, you can increase the speed of a video (youtube...) and see if you still understand. Beginners can decrease the speed of the video.

In English, I've found that it is still very understandable at a 1,75 speed.

  • exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019
    As an alternative, if you're looking to learn to "hear" English better, pick a native speaker from Chicago or New York City... you'll have all the Speed Listening practice you could ever hope for, heh heh.
  • Berlusconi profile picture BerlusconiOctober 2019
    I used the same technique with VLC PRO. It's very important for beginners because it helps to slow down since they cannot understand casual and natural conversations yet. Advanced students can speed up the track and check how well they're doing with their listening skills. Professionals such as translators use the same technique to check how much information they can grasp for a certain amount of time and then assess their capacity to translate fast speakers.