Vastake - English

100% GOOD (19 votes)VastatiKeeleline Küsimus
What do you think should be improved on the PolyglotClub website?

Please report bugs or post improvement suggestions.

Requests with the more votes will be developed first!

Please be as more SPECIFIC as possible. laugh

PS: Immerse yourself in these free English lessons: Material: How to Say Hello and GreetingsPRONOUNSPrefixes and SuffixesTurks and Caicos Islands Timeline


  • Hasan-M profile picture Hasan-MAugust 2019
    and for avoiding the probability of annoyance, it could be programmed somehow that while you as a French native don't tick for example "members matching learning" I-as a person who wanna learn English-cant see you in my list even if I ticked " members matching learning.
  • Hasan-M profile picture Hasan-MAugust 2019
    yea..exactly...I suggest it could be blank-square like "only native" in our "online matching" window, with the line "members matching learning" and another line " members matching teaching". in this way we could avoid having a long list too.
  • vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2019
    What you request I think is being able to see in the list any member who learn the language you teach OR teach the language you learn. Then you will see a big list ... OR instead of AND. This is interesting .... let's see what others think about it
  • Hasan-M profile picture Hasan-MAugust 2019
    so I think there could be an easier process which for example two person from different language who wanna learn English -but don't have the same native language!- find each other. sometimes English native people are not accessible for them, because the number of native English people who wanna learn for example Persian is less than the number of Persian people who wanna learn English. so many Persian people remind without of any English native partner. so they have to work with others from other native languages who their English level is high. but currently finding them is not easy as much as persons who what you define them matching members.
  • vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2019
    Matching members means :
    Members who teach the language you learn AND learn the language you teach. There are not a lot of online members teaching and learning English in the same time. Is the number of matches always 0 ?
  • Hasan-M profile picture Hasan-MAugust 2019
    yea..I know..but I mean for example in my case whose'second teaching language is English, I should able to see anyone-or some relatively large group of people- who want to learn English and wanna find a partner, while currently I cant and have to search them manually. is it right?