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Hello.My Question is does people at the USA or Canada understand the British English?


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kso89 profile picture kso89July 2019
Yes, we all understand each other. There are some differences in vocab (not to mention pronunciation), but we mostly understand even those differences.
MarthaO profile picture MarthaOJuly 2019
Yes, Most Americans understand the British accent. There some British accents that are very strong and hard to understand but, apart from those, we don't have much problem. There are expressions that we don't understand, but that is to be expected.
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerAugust 2019
    Americans understand (pretty much) all Canadian speakers and most British speakers (a few English, some Welsh, and a lot of Scottish accents can present difficulties), and generally, though (again) w/ varying degrees of difficulty, Australian accents. The MOST difficult "English accent" to understand is that of persons from India who, although might have been speaking English since childhood, can @ times have accents that are nearly incomprehensible to ALL other (native) speakers of English, including the British who Brought English to India during The Age of the Raj.
Salehtaheriyan profile picture SalehtaheriyanAugust 2019
Hello. Who can learn english?