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Should you focus on one learning method ? Or try different ones ?

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MarthaO profile picture MarthaOJuly 2019
My personal opinion after learning a language for five years, you need a mix but you need to focus on four elements: reading, writing, listening, speaking,
Tace profile picture TaceJune 2019

I think using multiple methods is imperative.


I think that one should investigate the methods that are available. Some methods can be used in conjunction with others.


Ofcourse investigating and using different methods are two different things. The programs that are out there use more than one "method," such as multiple choice questions based on text translation vs. listening to audio, and this is just one example. With this in mind, and considering that language is made up of far more than just speaking, such as listening and reading, I have to think yes, definitely the brain would benefit from learning with multiple methods.


I also think that different aspects of language lend thmselves to being learned by different methods. First, you must learn some words, but I have heard and agree that it is best to learn phrases over words. A good mix of the two is best, and necessary, I think.


You must hear words or you'll never understand when someone is talking to you. The Gold List method is another method attempting to work with the brains tendencies towards learning more than a particular method of presentation.


Some say that it takes five repetitions of something to make it a habit. Remember this and try to combine study methods for efficiency and to garner the most return on your investment of time and energy. The method is also something you have to learn, so make an efficient method habitual, and it won't be as difficult to put in the time.


An example is writing in another language. This can be hard to start, but once you do, you realize it isn't so bad and it gets easier. Writing also helps cement the language in your brain, so it helps you doubly. You learn how to spell and you remember phrasing.


Yes, I think you should use multiple methods to learn a language.