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with or without 'for' in the present perfect form
  • Hello friends, I found a sentence saying "She's been here 25 years" in my English textbook, but I've thought that 'for' should be used just before the description of the time length in this kind of the present perfect form, thus "She's been here for 25 years." should be correct.

  • Your kind help is really appreciated! Thank you!

PS: Find free English learning lessons here: Free tutorial: Definite ArticleArtList of words with a silent 'H'Useful Sentenses


Tace profile picture TaceJune 2019
It is correct to include "for" in your sentence. I am trying to determine if it is wrong to exclude it.
bensonalan1957 profile picture bensonalan1957January 2020
It’s implied in the sentence. English is a bit lazy. Too much effort to include the for. You would say she’s been here for ages but also she’s been here a long time. She’s been here 2 seconds which suggests she is still here. She’s been here for 2 specs suggests been and dine
cbrookie2000 profile picture cbrookie2000January 2020
You could say either. The "more correct" way would be with the for, but you could exclude it as well