100% GOOD (1 votes)odpovedalaLanguage Question
Phrasal verbs: to fill in, to fill out and to fill up


I'm a rookie over here, so greetings from a French expat living in Bangladesh.
I've been working as teacher for three years at the International French School.
I'm hanging around to meet people and to discuss with.

My first question is the following: what's the difference "to fill in" and "to fill out"?

I assume that we fill out a form, for expamle, by filling in the blanks. Is that correct?

Moreover, when should I use "to fill up"?



PS: Delve into these free English learning lessons: Tutorial: Common phrasesArtVerbosity or CircumlocutionBetween and Among


nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuMarch 2019

Hi! Although 'fill in' and 'fill out' are used interchangeably as described in your question, 'fill in' is normally used when referring to details. Example: 1. Kindly fill in your details. Here's a link with more information: And a link for 'fill out':

Please read the webpages carefully to obtain the required information. 

ScottS profile picture ScottSMarch 2019
"to fill up" is used if you have a container and want to put something in so it is completely full. I filled up the glass with water. I filled up my car [with gasoline].
MarthaO profile picture MarthaOJuly 2019
Your assumption is correct and Scott explained "fill up.
There is also a second use of "fill out" related to growth. "My son was so skinny but he has finally filled out."