100% GOOD (1 votes)Sa răspunsLanguage Question
Hello Help me please , why is the phrase correct !

1) Marcelo you can bring my shirt
2) Is incredible what cheat

Thank you so much friends

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nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuMarch 2019
1. The first sentence is better written as follows:
• Marcelo you can bring my shirt now.
• Marcelo can you please bring my shirt?

2. The second sentence - although ambiguous - could be written as follows:
• It's incredible, what cheat! (If the speaker is referring to perhaps a cheat sheet for a game or a walkthrough.)
Better still:
• That's unbelievable, what a cheat! (If the speaker is referring to a person caught cheating on a test or the like.)
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerApril 2019
    re: these "explanations" of the original questions:

    Response to statement #1 is good.
    Response to statement #2 - first bullet point not much betterthan the original; second bullet point is pretty good & likely a fair interpretation of the "meaning" re: the question-asker's intent.
Tace profile picture TaceJune 2019
exRanger said exactly what I was going to say. Why can't I vote for his comment?