АДКАЗАЦЬ - English

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Quels mots français sont utilisé en anglais comme "résumé" ou "déjà-vu" ?

PS: Delve into these free English learning lessons: Free module: AlikeAs if and as though; likeAboutAlso, as well and too


Mithrawnurro profile picture MithrawnurroSeptember 2018
Bon appetit, hors d'ouevres, eclairs, a certain je ne sais quoi
Pajal7 profile picture Pajal7September 2018
Both "resume" and "deja vu" are common in the (American) English vernacular. However, the accents are commonly omitted from the spelling when used in English.

I cannot speak for the British, but Americans would likely understand you if you used the word "resume" or "deja vu."

In fact, I could imagine a scenario where both are used in the same sentence, and it sounds perfectly natural to me!

"Maybe it's just because I have been hiring so many applicants, but I feel like I have seen this resume before... Deja vu!"
Duc_ profile picture Duc_September 2018
Les deux (par les anglaises cultivés) et aucun (en ce cas ils ont remplacés par : "resume" and "already seen")