PS: Immerse yourself in these free English lessons: Free resource: Colors — How to Pronounce H — Prepositions of Time — English words of Arabic origin
- samineh2002
April 2018
![]() | mahdi1April 2018 ما خودمونو خیلی دست کم میگیریم من ی دوست آمریکایی دارم که زبان شناسه و من از مصاحبت باهاش خیلی لذت میبرم اون درباره ساختارهای زبان و پیچیدگی هاش و مسائل مربوط به او خیلی باهام صحبت کرده،جالبه که بدونيد از لحاظ ساختاری فارسی یک زبانه سطح بالا و باستانی و ریشه های بسیار بسیار نزدیکی با زبان انگلیسی داره و اما درباره کشور ایران داستان خیلی فرق داره که قویا به دیدگاه مخاطبت بستگی داره اما همه اونها درباره اینکه ایران یک تمدن با شکوه است اتفاق نظر دارن و مسافرت به ایران برای خیلیها ی آرزوی زیباست |
![]() | kertenkelesuratliApril 2018 curious about you there are lots of speculative news about iran and thats all we know about you we dont know anything about the modern life in iran, or its people for me, as someone who learns farsi for 3 years, I know iranian singers, I know old iranian poets, I know about the bans in iran I know some pieces of iran's history but I know almost nothing about iranian people |
exRangerDecember 2019 Special shout out to The Taliban -- I have fought those mofos hand2hand and (much) worse, heh heh...
exRangerDecember 2019 I know a helluva lotta (former) Iranians who live in/around Los Angeles, especially around Westwood, location of the University of California @ Los Angeles campus. I like them. As for Iran, it has its charms, the Persian portions that have been allowed to remain intact/unmolested, but the Shiah Islamic Fundamentalism -- nah, that's gotta go, like any other theocracy (including Sunni Islamic, Jew, Christian, etc. theocratic "fundamentalism/millenialism movements.
kertenkelesuratliApril 2018 PSV1 namifahmam
ok I told that I've been learning farsi for three years but still know a little bit
I got you are complaining about something, about americans and frenchs who aint respond to the question but not sure.. what do you mean bro?
samineh2002April 2018 وا؟
PSV1April 2018 چرا با این جور سوالات ابروی ایران رومی برین ؟ اخه چرا بقیه ادمها از کشورهای دیگه نمی این همچین سوالی رو بیرسن ؟ اصلا به اونا چه مربوطه که نظر بدن ؟ چرا خودمون دست کم می گیرم ؟ چرا یک امریکای یا یک فرانسوی نمی اید همچین سوالی رو بیرسه ؟
![]() | Tloca23November 2021 My opinion is that I certainly do not know enough about the Iranian people to make an accurate opinion and I’m so sorry for that. I’m afraid that a lot of the US is naive based on the Middle East (in general) because of the media, speculation, the government, the military and just plain ignorance. BUT there is still soooo many of us that are still learning and wanting to open our arms to everyone with love and humanity. I am doing more to research myself and I know not to believe everything I see outright on the “news” or the internet for that matter. I’ve read about their struggles, the wars and how the US has affected these regions, about the culture, religion and hospitality, about fashion, women and men’s rights and I still have only breached the surface. I do not have any Iranian friends but of course would love to genuinely have a friendship with all who would love to share in our humanity. |