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Comma; How can I use comma properly with "but" and "also"?

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turnthrice profile picture turnthriceFebruary 2018
This is a very good explanation of when to use commas:

Usually, the "but" is used as a conjunction (a word that connects two ideas in a sentence). Example: I have long hair, but I will need to cut it short soon. In these cases, the comma is coming before "but". This is proper grammar. I think it is good to be asking when to use the comma as it helps makes things more clear when you are writing. Commas can also change the meaning of a sentence. Good luck!
Mohamad0018 profile picture Mohamad0018February 2018

Also, should I capitalize first letter after ";" or not?

HyacinthGardener profile picture HyacinthGardenerFebruary 2018
It's not a big deal really. Most people are too lazy to add commas after "but". But yes, IMO I think you should add a comma after "but". Never capitalize after ";" unless it's a proper noun.