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Help with english song transcription.

What's up everyone :) 

Me and my friend we're trying to transcribe this song, but we don't understand some parts of it. 

We may as well have written some parts wrongly, if anyone could help us it would be really nice! 

Thank you very much!

Song: Boggie Singer: Boggie (Csemer boglarka) Album: 3


Where I come from
[we ease on the lovesome yeah] [?] 

Where I come from,
We find it hard to love ourselves

In a low time
we dont figure out why yeah
In a high time
we find it easier to deny

Our self-doubt
Oh surely we need time yeah
to be upright
and see the value in our [flaws] [?]

I go to [?]
Dig deep in [?] yeah
'cause where I come from
Although we [?]
And I'm learning
some days I face my face i

It's [or "his ?"] lies unfolding 

my mind in a mirror
my mind I find in a mirror
my heart in a mirror
[might be hard to get it] [?]

Do you wonder
in front of a mirror yeah
how to master
the words that are staring back at you
do you like her?
someday can you like him? yeah
why is it you
came to grow after you fall

cause i'm learning
some days I face my face

It's [or "his" ?] lies unfolding. 

Here is the link to the song (easily found on spotify)



PS: Discover these free English lessons: Material: What is the most Beautiful WordSentense StructureAs usualWhat is America


a5000 profile picture a5000July 2018
Where I come from
We easily love some, yeah
  • Em_tyrell profile picture Em_tyrellMarch 2018
    Kertenkelensuratli I searched in Portuguese, English, French, Hungarian and I didn't find one website with the lyrics. I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't already done my research. Keep your rudeness and negativity to yourself. There is no place in the language learning community for it.