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Hello everybody! Can you tell me something about Britain? I love that country and I 'd like to learn more) please, help me:-)


English_Den profile picture English_DenOctober 2017
Perhaps you are right to omit "Great", the country is a nice place but so many factors are making living here worse every year.
  • English_Den profile picture English_DenOctober 2017
    There are so many people here from other countries, all chasing less jobs. So many only speak Polish or Romanian....
  • English_Den profile picture English_DenOctober 2017
    The country is so green because of the rainfall...
    The climate does deter creatures that are a problem in other countries.
  • English_Den profile picture English_DenOctober 2017
    The working week was reducing from 40 hours to 37.5 to 35. Now many jobs are 8 or 12 hour shifts adding up to 48 hours or more per week.
  • English_Den profile picture English_DenOctober 2017
    Most manufacturing has stopped, finding a "Made in Britain" or "Made in England" label is now rare.