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Can someone correct a hard text I wrote in English?


layal_ayn profile picture layal_aynSeptember 2017
Post it
LastHorizonLine profile picture LastHorizonLineSeptember 2017
Post it
Darkfalcon profile picture DarkfalconSeptember 2017
Where is it?????
  • Symmons profile picture SymmonsSeptember 2017
    Give me a kris and I will stab those responsible in their necks, gouge their eyes and we'll watch their blood spilling out because they don't diserve to breath on our earth.
    Reducing our capacities to make the good decisions, giving way to an egotistic personality, selfishness that gradually kills what's left of our humanity when everything could be so marvelous.
    Why humanity hasn't learnt about how to dominate their ego after such a long decade?
    Why are we barely able to whisper a simple "sorry" when we are wrong?
    It has been a few times now that I realized I have got that hypersensitivity to sniff out when things goes wrong.
    You never realize how much you value something until you are faced with the prospect of losing it.
    Losing something which we loved so much is the pain that it brings light to what made us deeply happy.
    Does it mean being sorrow is actually necessary to realize we enjoyed an old time before?
    I am talking about this time, this time when counting to 10 was difficult for me, this time when we used to play out naked foot even on the gravel.
    This time we climbed the trees, played with the garden hose on summer even when the water was cold.
    This time when we cycled on the street even when ours parents lost our track.
    This time when we searched into ours parents' stuff, found board games and enjoyed playing with it even with our own rules.
    This time when we chased out chickens and sheeps even if we forbade us to do so.
    This time when running, climbing, crawling, jumping and rolling was our daily, far apart from new technology.
    Time stretches out itself through the years, days passed, piles over each other and flies faster than an arrow.
    Its remembrance feels like an old dream that you are not too sure whether you have dreamed it once or if its come from your imagination making me feel dizzy, almost like a malaise.
    Sometimes the navigation system takes us into the wrong path for some reason, it would be sufficient to turn back to resolve the mistake but often we will carry on with it because we don't accept to be wrong.
    The ego then gains the upper hand, blinding the reason until those mistakes won'ti simply be a waste of time but the path will end up by an edge...
    Soon we won't feel that enjoyment when the sun shines and heats our skin like a cooking hob, too busy on our smartphones.
    We have already clearly lost our grip on reality to give way of a non sense life-style and principles that "they" screwed inside our minds in a snap of fingers time.
    This acceptance of that new "modern" life we inoculate in us isn't a natural human decision, sick-brains cannot be good decision-makers.
    If we were in a good condition and with healthy holistic thought we would never agree for an insane scheme that is going to bring our enslavement.
    Thinking we are free by being modern consumerist-slaves and seeking an infinite unsatisfiable materialism purpose has driven ourselves to an inevitable upcoming dystopia desired by the elite.
    If you think you're free, then; there's no escape possible.
    In a system where we control our thoughts and where we make a fool out of every nonconformist ideas that could high-rise human life and make it more liveable.
    We haven't got the slightest idea of the horrors there's in store for us but we have done exactly as we were meant to do; ensuring the doom of this world.
    Selflessly volunteer to imprison ourselves and merrily dig our own tombs.
    "They" distroy the quintessential of the human beauty in a slow and crafty mental anesthesia way that we don't even see they are gradually turning us into androids.
    Sounds too crazy to be true, isn't it?
    This is why they can operate safely while humans, drifted off to sleep are kept entertained with all the evil-addictions supplied.
    My main goal isn't to awaken spirits, I know too well that people's spirits aren't only sleeping but are in a deep coma.
    I am illegitimate to tell anyone what to do even though I have a pragmatic personnality, I am just a human on this earth but I was born with unusual sensibility that allows me to decode indices from the surrounding world.
    I am just a harbinger like others...
    My personal desires and happiness does not matter and my childhood is over now anyways.
    Moreover one of my wonderful solutions that you probably would languish since almost half of this text is to get rid of the obsolete mentality consisting of doing everything to protect our own and our loved ones without taking anyone else in consideration.
    I pray with all my soul that the empathy, compassion, understanding people's emotions, creativity and all the real valours undervalued by the system shall rise and give us the key of the workable Utopia life that I have dreamed of so much... Peace.
Symmons profile picture SymmonsSeptember 2017

Alright guys I'll post it soon, please don't hesitate to change phrases if it doesn't make sense or give me an opinion or simply asking me if you froze on something.