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How to ask: "how are you?" But it doesn't look like "small talk". Rather when I really wanna know about doings of person.

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jennifertrin profile picture jennifertrinAugust 2017
In the United States, if you want to know what the other person has been doing, you can say "What have you been up to?" or "What have you been doing lately?" However, it is usually more common to follow-up "How are you?" with a specific question on what you want to know. For example, we would say "How are you?" and then would follow-up with "What did you do this weekend?" or "How is school?."
sahar_hala profile picture sahar_halaAugust 2017
Naturally, it depends on the level of familiarity. In UK, one asks :" How have you been?" " what's new with you?".