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Difference between "a proposition" and "a proposal"? (excluding the meaning of proposal for a wedding of course)

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Lughati profile picture LughatiAugust 2017
Well, I think proposal has a more formal tone, as in a proposal for a work-related plan. Often it refers to a plan that's been carefully crafted and formally drawn up.
Proposition has the tone of something more spontaneous. Be careful with the use of both words, though, in speaking to a female friend. The use of the word proposal could make a woman think you're dropping marriage hints, while the word proposition could refer to a request for sex. It's often used in the context of solicitation of prostitution or a sudden and blatant verbal attempt to get someone into bed. Lolll!
vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2017

I asked exactely the same question. because the word 'proposition' is used in the episode 2 season 7 of Game of Thrones wink.gif And it was the first time I was hearing it. I usually hear 'a proposal'.