100% GOOD (2 votes)DijawabLanguage Question
what is the difference between (advantage) and (benefit)

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vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2016
Taking advantage of someone has a negative connotation, based on the situation while there isn't a negative side when getting benefits from someone.
JediConsul profile picture JediConsulNovember 2016

My english is not good but i surf the internet and it is my conclusion (crude examples):

  • (advantage)

             -bully vs nerd

                 bully has advantage in strength

                 nerd has advantage in intelligence

  • (benefit) it is what you can get in some situation

            -you can get some benefits if your friend is a mayor or sheriff

            -friends with benefits

            -benefit from drunken woman

PS: sorry for my english and very bad ( morality and ethic) examples. Please someone correct me if i wrong.