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Hi everybody!! What do you recommend me for learn more vocabulary in English? Can you recommend me any books or movies?



IngridChavira98 profile picture IngridChavira98September 2016
Everything! Look for the lyrics of your favorite songs! Read them a couple times so you can have a general idea of what they are about, you'll learn a lot from songs because they usually contain new vocabulary that's being used in this times, also, instead of watching a movie in your own language or with subtitles in your own language, watch them in english with english subtitles, believe me, this is a great way to improve not just your vocabulary, but also your listening and speaking skills, read blogs and news in english, that will also be usefull, and as you can notice, the best way of learning new words is by picking them up from different ways and resources! remember to write down in your phone notes or a notebook every single new word for you so you don't forget them, study them, and finally memorize them.