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how to speak english fluently

PS: Take a look at these free English educational resources: Learning: AppearAs, because, since and forAbstract nouns and concrete nounsWords ending with the suffix less


avoceyemalincarmel profile picture avoceyemalincarmelApril 2019

That is what i call question Q. There is actually no standard way to learn a language and become fluent. from my experience since i was born and raised in a french country ,my desire and ambition of becoming a fluent English speaker was the fuel, the energy It was a huge challenge.I had many dictionaries,Phonetics dictionaries audio books slang books argots etc.And BBC radio was another tools of my success in learning English i listen to it all the time like music even when i'm sleeping so during the night whenever i wake up to pee or drink water i can still grab some words or expressions and make quick recording with my phone .After years of practice i was pretty good .But as an interpreter i wanted to sound much more British or American so i play with my voice by reading books while i'm recording and later play and see how it sounds like when i'm speaking.I didn't want anyone to tell by my pronunciation that i am not a native speaker.It was fun though .But trust me it takes a lot of work to become fluent its also all about trust how confident you feel when you speak or whenever you have the floor.Practice with native speakers,English teachers.Make cold call .Call radio and partake into any topics and listen to your voice when they are rebroadcasting.

Ohh i almost forgot, my favourite past time of learning was comic movies, i lean in fun way,watch movies like" Garry the unmarried","the big bang theory" where my favourite speech comes from sheldon cooper he has some way  of combining and pronouncing words. He actually has some charisma.pick your favourite movie star and try to master their way of speaking.You know what they say,everyone resembles to someone sometimes.
Gaming: Here is some fun way of learning.For exemple when i start learning chinese was my second home.

Go to native English business people bargain and chat with them You will be amazed by  the improvement. Good luck.

margueritte profile picture margueritteNovember 2012
i can also advise reading books in english as it really helps you boost your vocabulary. to see words in context is much better than just to try learning them separately. so, books and movies!
Windystar profile picture WindystarNovember 2012
Practise English with native speaker, watch English films, songs, news. You'll see the better
nrharris profile picture nrharrisNovember 2012
I agree with briananicole. You can learn grammar from books, but you will still need to have someone to practice with. Movies in your native language with English subtitles are good too.
briananicole profile picture briananicoleNovember 2012
you can learn english by watching television in english or by talking to a person that speaks english.
dmarney profile picture dmarneyNovember 2012
Definitely try to find a native speaker if you're able to, that would help a lot.