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In English when could we use He or She for objects and what's the reason of choosing each one?


josuemenjivar07 profile picture josuemenjivar07October 2015
In English, you have to respect the gender of the subject to classify it as "he" or "she". If it's female, it's "she", and if it's male, you use "he". If it is an "ungendered" object, you use "it". So, if you want to refer to any "object" (thing, plant, material, subject, etc.) you always use "it". When talking about animals, you use "it" as well, except if you know the gender and it has been stated in some point of the text, or if the animal word is referring to a specific gender, for example: "cow" (female), "rooster" (male).
  • geiran profile picture geiranOctober 2015
    yeah tnx i know it but i have seen a movie there was a giant device for fighting and they called it "she", so i just wanted to know if there is some rule for it or it is just a n exception