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Question about tenses

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Present Continuous and Future Continuos and why I can't use P.Continuos instead of Future Continuos  in that sentence?:

You can live Julia with us.I'm babysitting kids anyway so one more makes me difference.


SirExotic profile picture SirExoticAugust 2015

Present Continuous talks about something happening right now or before/after a given time and Future Continuous is talking about something happening in the future and will continue to happen.


Present Continuous: You can leave Julia with us. am babysitting kids anyway, so one more will make no difference.

I Am indicates that something is happening in the present: "I am babysitting" > "You are babysitting" right now.


Future Continuous: You can leave Julia with us tomorrow. I will be babysitting kids anyway, so one more will make no difference.

I will be indicates that something is going to happen in the future and continuous to happen (for an uncertain amount of time, so it can be 5 minutes, 1 hour or a week, it's not relevant)

"I will be babysitting" > "You will be bringing Julia over tomorrow".


Here's some more help for Present Continuous and Future Continuous, good luck!