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help me to understand the meaning? - Do you love me? - Yes, I do - But...you're not in love with me. [then girl runs away crying]

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Afsoon18 profile picture Afsoon18January 2018
It's so easy my friend...
She love's him but he doesn't..
Maybe he has done something has caused she think so ...
Acasualdream profile picture AcasualdreamMarch 2013
The speaker (the male) is asking if the girl loves him. The girl admits that does have feelings for him, but knows that he doesn't have the same feelings for her. So she breaks out in tears over a love not returned. - Hope that helps
madamat profile picture madamatMarch 2013
what is that mean/
Endorphin13 profile picture Endorphin13March 2013
- Ты меня любишь?
- Да.
- Но... ты не влюблён в меня. [девушка с плачем убегает]