АДКАЗАЦЬ - English

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Would anyone give me some advices to improve my english?

I made a test online, to see how was my english level, according to that test I'm intermediate III, I watch shows on my computer with english subtitles, and sometimes I try to avoid them and focus on listening to, I had read a book in english, and I try to read a lot of things on the web in english.


DaveV profile picture DaveVMarch 2015
You can also socialize with Anglophones (English speakers) as well. Otherwise, you're doing an excellent job in learning the language.
Karly_Yeskaliy profile picture Karly_YeskaliyMarch 2015
Hello. Who is help me improve my English?
AzizahSaffa profile picture AzizahSaffaMarch 2015
try to watching movie in english language but without subtititle when you watch it. It could improve you hearing and your vocabs also your grammar! Watching movie is a fundamental of learning language.