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Ive heard some people pronouncing words with has a ´´nt´´ in the middle as just a ´´n´´. For example, ´´enter´´ pronounced as ´´ener´´ or ´´Atlanta´´ as ´´Atlana´´. What about this¿

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vincent profile picture vincentJune 2017

It's the American accent ! wink.gif A little video to practice ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsUp9FV_wwo

kazzap profile picture kazzapFebruary 2015
In context, people would understand you. But, when saying "ener" you would say the word really fast for it to be "enter", otherwise it would sound like "inner". "Atlana" is fine if you pronounce it "At-laena" not "At-lawna". I wouldn't try to copy an accent without someone who has that accent to help you. I have a Buffalo Yankee accent, and we pronounce the "t" but instead of pronouncing the vowel "a" like "ahh", we say "ae".
  • ec89 profile picture ec89February 2015
    So awesome answer. It was a very big doubt for me because I had a teacher in the University who spent some years studieng in the abroad. And it was the first time that I heard this kind of pronuonciationg in words as ´´integer´´. So I thought ´´okay, this is the way, this should be the way to pronounce it´´. But now you were so clear and I agree, I will take out of my mind. Regards