100% GOOD (2 votes)AnsweredLanguage Question
What is the difference between "oven" & "cooker?

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jdurand profile picture jdurandAugust 2017
An oven is the hot box you put food into. A cooker could either be the top of the stove where you put a pot or it could mean the whole appliance (oven + cook top).
  • kjbrod profile picture kjbrodAugust 2017
    jdurand is correct. I would add that "cooker" is generally never used in the United States, where "oven" for where you bake and "stove top" for where you cook are used. Additionally, we use "stove" when talking about the whole appliance.
emin_lalab profile picture emin_lalabAugust 2017
An oven we can cook pizza, bred something, cooker makes something
LearnerJulie profile picture LearnerJulieAugust 2017
jdurand answered your question perfectly. I would have to say however we mostly use the word oven, and not cooker.