hi! I want to learn more english

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Im a mexican girl.I live in Mexico City.  I study an english course  and  maybe ill be an english teacher, but now im learning english and i want help with experts in the lenguage like you. and maybe we could be friends, I teach you spanish if you want and tell you some of our culture that i have and you too. well, i hope you cant teach me english and sorry for my grammar. mi msn gOmiTAgOmiTA profile picture


nut profile picture nutJune 2007


Am Donna from Kenya-Africa. I dont mind teaching you the little English i know. I would also love to learn spanish.this could be a good opportunity for us to learn our differnt cultures and becomr good friends. i will teach you all you need to know. Its the least i can do to make you smile at the end of the world....after all we have to help each other be better people in the world.Write to me< nutnut profile picture>

I wish you all the luck
