I teach you french et you teach me english

50% GOOD (4 votes)
Hello, I'm a french and i wanna learn english because i'll begin study in an university next year and i wanna progress in this language. interested? join me....


nurcan7 profile picture nurcan7April 2007
if u wanna i could u help with english but u should promise me to teach france firstly.ým having lessons for learnng french but i need a real french to learn closely.ý hope u ll help me later.and i ll too.u can see me at nurcan7nurcan7 profile picture.  see u
cutevick2002 profile picture cutevick2002April 2007


This is Vicky. Nice to get your message. I would like to teach you English, no problem. I hope I can help you although English is not my mother tongue. I work hard on it though. I learnt French before. I would like to learn French again, too.

This is my MSN and mail account address: cutevick2002cutevick2002 profile picture

Please write to me through the address above. I spend a lot of time on MSN.

sincerely yours,
