Fra_fraからのテキスト - English

    • Linking phrases

    • If people migrate to cities, they become more overcrowded and so always more people will take cars to go to work and as a result traffic congestions will rise sharply.
    • A good idea would be to increase the number of public buses in the first hours of the day.
    • By doing this many people will prefer to use public transportation to go to work and traffic congestions will decrease.
  • People spend too much time watching TV.
    • For example some studies demonstrate that children spend around 5 to 6 hours a day watching tv programs.
    • Consequently they don't have enough time to do their homeworks and to socialize whit their friends.
    • If parents will be more restrictive about use of TV and organize to their children alternative activities then this problem could be easily overcome.
    • This will lead to minor use of tv from children and that will also strenghten the bounds with their parent.
    • The development of tourism often create resentment among local people because tourists do not respect their traditions and their culture.
    • For example some south american tribù don't want that tourists take picture of them because of religion beliefs.
    • The obvious answer is to explain tourists this cultural belief and to control more strictly that they rispect this rule.
    • Furthermore this measure could garantee a better coexistence between tourists and local tribù.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English