
Text de - English

  • If or when?

    • This is a sentence from a friend of mine and I wanted to know if it is wrong or not: You make me smile when I do not even want to smile/laugh My version: You made me smile even if I do/did not want to What would you use? :)


  • Títol
  • Oració 1
    • This is a sentence from a friend of mine and I wanted to know if it is wrong or not: You make me smile when I do not even want to smile/laugh My version: You made me smile even if I do/did not want to What would you use? :)
      Vota ara!
    • This is a sentence from a friend of mine and I wanted to know if it is wrong or not:¶¶You make me smile when I do not even want to smile/laugh¶¶My version:¶You made me smile even if I do/did not want to ¶¶What would you use? :)
    • This is a sentence from a friend of mine and I wanted to know if it is wrong or not:¶¶You make me smile even when I do not even want to smile/laugh¶¶My version:¶You made me smile even if I do/did not want to ¶¶What would you use? :) n't feel like smiling.
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1