
Text from Clarinetto - English

    • My paper for next lesson: Secret Ambitions

  • Hi, I am Clara, and my secret ambition is to become a wildlife photographer.
  • I have spent my early childhood in Africa; then, when I was nine, my family had to move back to Italy.
    • Nevertheless, I feel that the fascinating landscapes and colours of Africa never left me, and are still embedded in my imagination.
    • I would love to come back there as a professional reporter and do this for a living.
  • In order to be a good wildlife photographer, it is absolutely necessary to know how to use a camera.
  • This may sound obvious, but nowadays digital cameras make everything look easy.
  • Yes, with an expensive device you can probably take stunning pictures of your friends at parties – but capturing a sprinting cheetah is a whole different matter.
  • Concerning this, I've attached a CD to this entry, containing my artistic portfolio.
    • Unfortunately, being a skilled photographer isn't enough: a reporter has to deal with harsh climate and wild animals, therefore knowledge is required in order to avoid getting in dangerous situations (you surely don't want to be charged by rhinos or something like that...).
    • Moreover, to make a good job you must be conscious about the behavior, lifestyle and habits of an animal.
  • A reporter must be both artist and scientist.
  • This is why I am getting a degree in Biology.
  • Finally, to become a wildlife photographer you need visibility: it is an interesting and fulfilling job, but it's difficult to attract the attention of newspapers like National Geographic and so on.
    • This is why I think that the help of an expert from Masterclass could be very helpful to emerge.
  • I am determined to make a career out of this hobby of mine.