
Text de - English

  • Nougat Jonquier

  • Hello, My name is Valentin Limousin , I am student in international trade and I am of passage in London from 4 till 10 November 2013 because I have for mission to come to meet you to appear my product it is about Nougat Jonquier which since 1885 is made in Ollioules wich is a little town of the South of France with local products.
  • For more than a century the family Jonquier puts all his know-how in the preparation of this nougt with an incomprable taste.
  • In this opportunity, I thank you for being willing to me a little of your time to make you better know the Nougat Jonquier.


  • Títol
  • Oració 1
    • Hello, My name is Valentin Limousin , I am student in international trade and I am of passage in London from 4 till 10 November 2013 because I have for mission to come to meet you to appear my product it is about Nougat Jonquier which since 1885 is made in Ollioules wich is a little town of the South of France with local products.
      Vota ara!
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1
  • Oració 2
  • Oració 3