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  • A visit to the dentist. Part 3

    • My doctor wrote a direction and sent me to the room, where the X-ray was made.
    • After visiting this room I got my results immediately, it was a tiny picture of my tooth, which was added into my case history.
    • When I brought my X-ray results to my dentist it was clear for her what it was necessary to do next.
    • So it was high time for visiting a surgeon and making an anesthesia.
  • This is always the most dreadful part of any of my visits to the dentist.
    • The surgeons are always so rude and not pleasant at all.
    • They never say something encouraging or soothing, they just do their work without saying anything, except “open your mouth”.
    • The surgeon gave an injection in a very strange place, which hurt a lot.
  • And after fifteen minutes I was ready for filling up my tooth with some medicine.
  • It was done very quickly.
    • I was giving some prescriptions about how should I eat and clean my teeth during two days until my tooth would be filled.
    • Although I was allowed to eat almost any food chewing it by one side, I was still afraid to eat anything at all.
    • So I was keeping to a diet for 2 days.
    • But actually it wasn’t a big problem for me as I hadn’t got any appetite.
    • I felt sick all those days, because of terrible pain after the anesthesia.
    • What is worse I hardly could stir my mouth!
    • So even if I wanted to eat something I wouldn’t be able to do it, because it was hard to me to chew it.
    • And also I was obliged to keep silent, as I couldn’t produce sounds clearly.
    • And finally all my cheek was swelled up.