
نص من - English

  • Globalization

    • In our age of great human progress the role of globalization is increasing.
    • That is why we need to know everything about this process: its advantages and disadvantages.
    • On the one hand globalization is good because of governments’ cooperation in solving such problems, which couldn’t be solved by only one country.
    • Also increases the knowledge exchange, the experience exchange, free labor and capital motion.
    • As a result competition between the companies increases in the global market.
    • So the goods are not overpriced, that is why every customer can buy more and satisfy his material and cultural needs.
    • It is very nice, but on the other hand we have serious disadvantages.
    • Economics of countries become interdependent and problems in on country provoke problems in the other countries.
    • And it is more difficult to overcome global crisis than to manage it in one country.
    • Also globalization with its free flows of labor and capital can aggravate the internal problems such as unemployment.
    • The second point is that it is harder to manage the country and its economy because there are more influencing factors then earlier.
    • The third point that transnational corporation activity increases and sometimes corporations can dictate governments.
    • And it is difficult to make corporations to be honest and not to breach the rules.
    • In conclusion I’d like to add that globalization process is unavoidable and that globalization effects are different for countries of different development.

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