
Text de - English

  • Practicing english!

    • I was practicing my speaking with someone from Bosnia this afternoon, it was realy fun but i noticed that I have many grammar mistakes that I make when I'm speaking, the good thing to learn by making mistakes it is to realize it , for the next time not doing it .
    • Hey fellas if you want to helping me out with my english and you want to practice your spanish this is my spype ja_carranza


  • Títol
  • Oració 1
    • I was practicing my speaking with someone from Bosnia this afternoon, it was realy fun but i noticed that I have many grammar mistakes that I make when I'm speaking, the good thing to learn by making mistakes it is to realize it , for the next time not doing it .
      Vota ara!
    • I was practicing my speaking with someone from Bosnia this afternoon, it ¶¶. It was realy fun, but iI noticed that I have many grammar mistakes thatwhich I make ¶¶when I'm speaking, t. The good thing to learn by making mistakes it is to¶¶ realize it , and stop making them for the next time not doing it .
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1
  • Oració 2