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The power of inconvenience
- The majority of people who were born in 80-90 remember times, when vinyl disc exists.
- Nowadays it’s hard to imagine because we have everything we need in the singular device: smartphone.
- It seems that it was in the near past, when people attended DVD rental surveys and dug through bins of DVD there.
- They craved to find some extraordinary, whether it’s a movie, a game or a song.
- It took long hours to discover something on the shelves.
- It was tiring and inconvenient but so valuable, when they finally chose that item.
- Besides, they knew exactly what they wanted to find out.
- They can easily define it without stranger’s help.
- Moreover, people shared DVDs with each other.
- They had passive interests.
- Intimacy was everywhere across the world because it is an intriguing process of a physical contact with items.
- It’s was pleasant to learn the shape of disc, mp3 players etc. However, time went by and rental stores and computer clubs with dedicated spaces began to fade, shuttered their doors.
- Modern technology and social media started flourishing by removing human element.
- They follow us every second and take away our right of choosing.
- They always know what we want by analysing our personal data and preferences in social media.
- Websites layouts with bright and colorful pictures give us everything that we need (even if we don’t).
- Mankind reached a point when modern tech accomplish any researches and give any essential data on a silver platter.
- They takes away the opportunity of “surfing the net” from us.
- Unfortunately, they took away every creative endeavor too, opportunity of self-discovery, of long lethargic hours of exploring.
- Modern tech provide ease of use but in the same time kill curiosity and passions in people We need to think through and beware before asking a request.
- Maybe we can give us more time and let us make a research by ourselves?
- Apres-midi
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