
Text de - English

    • Roll play (RP)

    • My first theme was chosen due to the interest of this topic.
    • And this topic is RP I used to want to being into this with my mates irl and even online.
    • But this idea was given up by me because of the difficult to go into it and needing a lot of time.
    • I wished to try to play as a DM but I was not really sure that my communication skills are enough for this.
  • Generally I couldn’t even play as PC.
    • The only one time I roll played with my two mates Pasha and Misha.
    • It was with the simplified rules but at all that was a good experience.
    • The action took place in one of all universes of Garrys Mode.
  • I wasn’t and even now I’m not into Garrys Mode.
    • We used the randomizer from 1 to 100 and if it was less then 50 the action was a complete failure.
    • In another case, it was a successful attempt, if the randomizer gave us a number more then 50.
    • Currently, I still want to try RP but at all my skills of English are still quite poor.
  • Actually I could try it on my mother language.