
Text from 55elena_jv - English

    • Rapture of Spring

    • I write postcards not very often, just when I got inspiration.
    • But in spring I always write at least one card dedicated to awakening nature, increasing daylight hours, early springs flowers and so on.
    • This time spring is behind the schedule.
  • The entire first half of March was cold, windy and snowy.
    • Storm followed storm, one cyclone changed another, either Cornelius, or Diethelm, or some other cyclone flew in from the Atlantic.
    • Apparently, we certainly should be covered with snow in March, that we really appreciated and waited for a spring.
    • I have always longed for a more favorable climate, as once I’ve moved from Siberia to Kaliningrad and now thinking about something better, at least for winter time.
    • But no one is so happy with spring as people weary of winter.
    • Although is it worth going through all this just to feel those rapture of spring, is other question.
  • In any case, we live with what we have.
    • And I try to bring spring closer by growing spring flowers on my balcony.
    • So, the first part of crocuses has already faded.
    • On the way the second half and tulips.
    • I’d like you also get a part of this spring splendor.