

Text from adjaliwail - English

    • The four most popular sports in Algeria .

    • Algerian people like all the populations in this world like to exercise ,to play and to watch sports in their free time.Football is the most practiced sport not just in Algeria but in the whole world.Approximetly 75% of sports practitioners play and watch football.
    • The second most practitional sport is the handball,it is a great sport and very popular too and it has some diffrent rules from the football ,in the handball the players use thier hands for play but in the football they could not do that whereas there are some similar things like : these two sports use a ball for the game .Is that why the expression ’’have a ball ’’ means ’’ have a lot of fun.
    • The second popular sport is Athletic roughly 2 millions players and spectators for this sport but it’s mainly for boys and men.Algeria has a strong reputation in middel-distance running (800-1500-5000 m) and it has had many fumous runners for long time.
    • The next sport is the boxing,it’s also so popular but we don’t have the exact statistics about this sport and we should not forget ,Algeria has had many african and world champions in boxing like Mohamed Benguesmia,Hocine Soltani and many others masters players all ot these names have influanced and helped this sport for spread in my country.
    • finally in Algeria we can find maybe all the most popular sports in the world but I talked about the top four sports in my country .