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  • Math Trick

    • First of all, square any two digits and ends in five, here goes: Let’s take an example the number 25**2 , what are you going to do is take the first number(2) and multiply it with one more than that which means (3), so you’ll six(6) right.
    • Now save that number and go to the next number (5) just do the normal operation of squaring it, so you’ll have 5*5 which equal to 25.
    • After that put the result in a raw and you’ll get 625.
    • And you can go to your friend or someone you know and give him a paper and a pen, and ask him to square two digits ends in five, and tell him I’m going to do it in my mind.
    • And the moment he/she tries to solve the problem you already answered it in your mind, when you bombard him with the answer, he’ll be shocked with the result when he’ll finish.
    • He’ll ask you how did you do that.
    • So you can tell him it’s not a big deal, I do that in my mind, he definitely will think you’re a brilliant.
    • However, when he’ll insist to know it, and you tell him about it, he probably will look you in the face and say: Get out here, because it lost its magic once it’s been revealed.
    • I hope you enjoyed it 