
Text from kazuki2069 - English

    • Online Sevises for Studying Foreign Languages and Cultures.

  • I have been using Lang-8 and plyglotclub.com for studying foreign language.
    • I like these website very much!
    • When I was a high school student, I hate studying English or other foreign languages.
  • But now I love it, and it isn't like studying or something.
    • It is just a fun.
    • I have regretted that wasting the opportunity for studying languages, but now Polyglotclub.com and other online service help me.
    • Also, I think greeting with person's language is the one of the way to show respect to the foreigners.
    • It is because I was happy that some my customers try to greet with Japanese Language.
  • So I always say"谢谢 Xie Xie" or "안녕하세요(an nyeong ha se yo, アンニョンハセヨ)", besides ”Thank you very much.” *Please let me know if my English is incorrect.
  • I want to improve my English.
  • *I will add the Japanese part when I am free.