
Text from aurelien889 - English

  • About kintsugi

  • About urushi-buro (dry box) “Urushi-buro” is a box to dry lacquer.
    • Lacquer dries because of chemical reaction which makes enzymes harden liquid lacquer.
    • The enzymes need right temperature and humidity to work well.
    • It’s necessary to make an environment of about 60 to 80 % humidity and 20 to 28 degrees Celsius (60.4 to 82.4 Fahrenheit).
    • For that, you can make for example a wet towel in a carton box.
  • Japanese traditional repairing art “Kintsugi” Lacquer can be found in various countries in Asia including Japan.
  • Each Asian country has developed its own unique lacquer craft such as “Raden” in Korea, “carved lacquer” in Chine and “Kinma” in the Southeast Asia.
    • In Japan, a technic called “maki-e” (which means literally “sprinkled painting”) in which one paints with lacquer and decorates a picture with gold or silver powder.
    • As the kintsugi uses this technic of “maki-e”, it is considered that kintsugi is a Japanese traditional art of repairing.
  • Please try to remember this story when you “sprinkle” gold or silver powder with a brush.