
Κείμενο από johnask - English

  • Amazonia part 1

  • Hello, today we decided to analyze and develop an explanation on the article by Camilla Costa, an American journalist, who analyses the evolution of the destruction of the Amazon today.
    • It is true that you, like me, know that the Amazon is increasingly destroyed, but we really know how much?
    • And yes, in January 2020 alone, more than 280 square kilometers were devastated by Man. Today, our objective is to present you an analysis of this article but also to explain to you all the actions that man has put in place to compensate for this deforestation.
  • First, we will develop a section on the deforestation of the Amazon and the consequences of this disaster, then we will outline the actions that have been put in place to address this problem.
    • Deforestation and fires: This article explains how the situation in Amazon is evolving today.
    • It is true that, as Camilla Costa explained, the Amazon has been suffering real deforestation and enormous destruction for a long time.
    • Covid 19 today has not helped.
  • The Amazon has suffered deforestation, which has increased by 55 percent since the outbreak of the health crisis.
    • Indeed, as you know, Covid has led us to distance ourselves and to be confined: Brazil in particular as well as the entire territory of the Amazon in general is very affected by the health crisis especially because of the lack of resources to treat the population.
  • The indigenous populations are suffering enormously from the crisis and cannot be treated properly.
    • As can be seen from the diagram, the territory of the Amazon is one of the territories most affected by the crisis and this is due to their poor management in the field of health.
    • In France, we can treat ourselves properly, care is taken, but this is not the case for Amazonians.
  • But that’s not all.
    • Indeed, COVID has pushed this population, like the rest of the world, to confine itself.
    • The guardians of the forest were forced to confine themselves and no longer work.
  • Because of this, the forest has lost a large part of its protection, which could facilitate the work of poachers.
    • But these people have very specific objectives and their primary motivation is economic.
    • In fact, they mainly seek to extract minerals like gold, harvest palm oil, or harvest land to pasture to the detriment of nature.
  • Indeed, deforestation has increased considerably which is very problematic because in addition to that, the heatwaves and drought cause huge fires that are very difficult to stop.
    • Since the authorities saw that this deforestation had increased, they decided to increase surveillance patrols but this is unfortunately not enough.
  • As quoted by Camilla Costa’s editor: ”The destruction of the Amazon rainforest so far is far more important than the nearly 20% they talk about in the media.”.
    • Indeed, with the problems of corruption in the countries of the Amazon, deforestation is not stopped enough and the media minimize this drama.
    • To use the example of the fires, in 2019 there were huge fires that devastated a lot of the forest and there was a lot of media coverage, but the reality is that these fires happen every year.
    • Global warming causes a lot of drought and therefore it is much harder to stop the fires because the rain is much rarer.
    • Concerning the fire of 2019, fortunately it began to rain because otherwise the disaster would have been even more important.
  • One might ask: But why does the destruction of trees increase global warming?
    • As the scientist quoted in the article explains, a tree is a reserve of our CO2 and in exchange it releases oxygen.
    • But when you cut down a tree, there is a release of CO2 which leads to an increase in global warming.
    • If today the Amazon continues to be destroyed, in 20 to 30 years there will be a considerable lengthening of the dry seasons and a general increase of temperatures in the world.
  • But you’re probably wondering, what’s the connection between deforestation and fires?
    • In fact, deforestation in addition to emitting a lot of CO2 in the air, dries the soils and therefore increases considerably the climate warming mentioned above.
  • Scientists today say that if we do not stop this deforestation, global warming will accelerate considerably.