
Κείμενο από raneemaltamimi0 - English

  • Why do you think the government should regulate advertising?

    • Advertisements strongly influence people because it is changing their buying desire for products.
    • The spread of advertising everywhere is one of the reasons that lead to an increase in the company’s profits, so companies resort to anyway to increase their profits even if the method is not disciplined.
    • Therefore, the government must regulate advertisements, as this regulation aims to prevent the spread of false advertisements about products and to establish laws to regulate advertising and not to lie about it.
    • Banning advertising that endangers people’s safety, such as traffic accidents.
    • Determining certain places to place the advertisement in order not to cause visual distortion.
    • Consumers are protected from counterfeit offers in some stores.
  • Therefore, the government must intervene and organize advertisements, for several reasons.
  • First, advertisements that spread false and incorrect information and urge consumers to purchase services and goods that don’t conform to the advertisement.
  • Here, the government must intervene by developing regulations and laws to organize this information and not to lie about it.
    • Also, the regulation of advertising prevents the use of certain types of advertisements that may endanger people’s safety, for example, companies cannot use billboards that contain video or flashing images because they may lead to distraction and road accidents.
    • In addition, prevent companies from placing their ads in every place they want, because this causes chaos and visual distortion, whether for citizens or tourists, so the government must specify a specific place where billboards and other forms of advertising are allowed, for example, China decides that billboards cannot be placed within 500 feet of stadiums.
  • Gardens and forests, which leads to the protection of these areas completely from advertising and not to distort their appearance.
    • The last reason is to protect consumers from fake offers, for example, a clothing store promote an offer, which is buying a dress and the other for free, and when the customer goes to the store, he finds that the offer has ended, so he has to buy another commodity from their store in order not to feel dissatisfied with the end of the offer.
  • In conclusion, regulations are used in advertisements by the government to regulate the use of advertisements in the city and to prevent wrong information from being provided and to place billboards on illegal sites and other regulations that must be followed and if the company violates these laws, it will face an infraction.