
Κείμενο από Atheer1919 - English

  • Learning in Groups

  • Learning in groups should not be best way to learn.
    • Some students like learning in groups, but I disagree with them for three reasons.
    • The first reason for this is because not all students work in groups.
    • For example, in school, the teacher chose some students in groups and then give them worksheets for answer it, but not all students try to answer just few students try and answer it.
    • The second reason as students are feel not good because the students in groups.
    • That is affect for work and learning.
    • I think some students can not relationship with your groups and some students like learn yourselves.
    • It is clear that learn with yourself best of learn in reason is that learn in groups it makes students dependent on each students.
    • As a result, the students not study and try thinking about any learn or homework.
    • In my point of view, they lean with own affect for yourselves and can believe for your thinking and trying to learning, they can groups.
    • The last wrong answer and thinking why wrong?then your mind is working, the result self-reliance.
    • To sum up, for all these reasons, It is clearly for should not leaning in groups, I believe learning with yourself more effective.