
Text from vgrowlee - English

    • More unemployment between graduates

    • And salaries are “lighter”.
    • They have not a job for years.
    • Even neo engineers are hit.
    • Rome – It is more difficult finding a job for graduate people, independently from the branch and the type of degree.
    • There is not exception even for normally “required” degrees as engineering, obtained after 5 years of academic studies.
    • The twelfth report about working conditions of AlmaLaurea, the database which 60 universities participate in, has just seen the fate of 210 thousands youths who has obtained the degree on 2008.
    • The result is a sensitive increase about unemployment rate compared to 2007.
    • For degrees at first level, it is passed from 16.5 to 21.9%.
    • For bachelors (five years of study) increase from 13.9 t o20.8.
    • For doctoral degrees (doctors, architects, veterinaries) from 8.9 to 15%.
    • After a year post-graduation, the working rate among graduates at first level is 62%, for those who they are at second level 45.5%.