
Тэкст ад JDIgneel - English

  • Cycling

    • I was watching some youtube videos about cycling.
    • It surprised me I’ve never imagine that something like that has exist.
    • The youtuber I watched was from Spain, he leave from his country and he want to reach China.
    • I was like: WHAAT!!! what are you saying? how come he’s going to get there? it is a very long road and what if someone run him over? what if someone steal on him? but also I thought: What a sample of freedom, he has to be one of the most free persons in the world, leaving the people he knew, the country he was born, the things he got used to; but in change he will know a lot of new people, a lot of new things, watch so many incredible places, new music and all of this just with his bicycle and his legs.
  • I would like to do that some day at least in my own country.
  • Thanks a lot for your help and see you later.