
текст з - English

  • New Year’s Resolutions

    • As usal at the begging of the year, I delight to make a list about new year’s resolution and set my personal goals Over time I realized that I am not able of achieve all my goals, so this year I have chosen them carefully and I am going to focus properly only on three resolutions in order to have more chance to achieve them.
    • The first resolution is to keep practise english at least 30 minutes per day.
    • Last year I was pretty persistance and I got good results expecially in listening because I whatched several number of tv shows in english and in improving my accent thanks to accentcoach found out on social media.
    • The second resolution is to cut off the unnecessary costs and save money: last year I kept track of my expences and I noticed that I have bought unecessary dress or home stuff that actually I don’t need or I don’t use, but I got only for the influenced of advertisement.
    • The thirth resolution is reading at least 1 book per month.
    • I love reading and I want to carve out time to continue my favourite hobby.
    • I think all my three resolutions explained above are achievable, so I have work hard to follow consistenly.

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