
Text from LaLeela - English

  • English lessons

    • I have learnt English language for a few years at school up to pass my ”baccalauréat”.
    • Then, I have taken part in legal English classes for one year, since then, three years later, for an academic year more.
    • Yet, English was so incomprehensible !
    • One day an actress taught me theater in English and explained that English is music.
  • This was a huge and extreme welcoming gift I will never forgot.
    • I keep in my head so far because it was like she has been creating a connection between English and I.
    • Five score years and a decade after my first English class, I am still learning English.
    • However, the web, series, exchanges with native speakers offer so many possibilities to learn day after day.
  • Indeed I use a wide range of excellent tools and I can choose some several levels to improve my skills (oral, written, grammar, ect...).
    • Moreover, a lot of teachers or trainers in English created a channel and have posted some enriching videos.
    • Many thanks for you all.