從HeloMarie來的文本 - English

  • Story about Bauhaus

    • The Bauhaus is a deutsh school, founded in 1919, next the First war and close by nazy’s government in 1933.
    • This is first a school, today it’s also considered as an art movement and a style.
    • This school was founded by Walter Gropius, a deutsh architect and ingenieur.
    • He work before in the Deutsh Werkbund, an association searching a new art beetwen classical art and industriel.
    • GRopius met Muthesius and worked for Berhens.
    • He discover with them the beggining of industrial design.
    • In the Bauhaus school, he continue in this road : he formed students to differents ways : classicals arts as peinture or sculpture but also more manufacture as cast art or tapestry...
    • When the new deutsh government decide to cut the helps of the school, The bauhaus move to Dessau where a new edifice was build following principles of Bauhaus : useful, simply and use of concrete and steel.
    • Next this, a new class open : architecture.
    • In 1933, the school close.
    • Many professors and student continues their carreer in USA.

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