
Тэкст ад Kosichka - English

  • Being a volunteer

  • There are a lot of jobs which might be available for volunteers in the Olympic Games.
    • For examples, they can help sportsmen by giving them a ball or their equipment.
  • Volunteers can be useful for visitors.
  • For instance, they can be interpreters.
    • Volunteers can help people on parkings.
    • They cal also welcome foreign visitors and other even really important quests.
    • They can be guides and show visitors beautiful views and sightseeings of a host country.
    • They can alse speak with press.
    • I think as any other thing volunteering has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • The advantages of it are that a volunteer can be in the midst of a such crucial historic sport event as the Olympic Games.
  • A volunteer can also gain some invaluable experience by helping people from all over the world.
  • A volunteer can make friends from different cultures.
  • Volunteers are also provided with free food and transfer.
    • Taking about the disadvantages of being a volunteer I would mark that a big amount of people can make him feel stressed and tired, so he has to get used to talking to many different people.
    • Volunteers have usually a lot of work and thay have to leave their home country for a long period of time. 208